What To Buy To Get Started Making Dice
Starting the process of crafting Dungeons & Dragons dice sets can be quite daunting. You're going to hear and read a lot about pressure pots, types of silicone, types of resin, as well as tons of other materials you'll need to get started. We're hoping this blog is going to simplify and consolidate everything you need to know and why you need it. Lets start with the basics.
Absolute Beginner Needs (Low Cost)
If you just want to have some fun and make some dice without spending much money, you're going to need the following materials and gear.
Dice Molds
Getting started with dice, you may feel overwhelmed with things like dice masters, making molds, and types of silicone. Before going down that rabbit hole, you can start with super cheap dice molds off amazon! Not only does it help you practice your craft, but as they break down you can just toss em. Be advised that these cheaper dice molds are more prone to raised faces and voids. I'll explain more about that in another blog post.
Our Recommendation for Low Cost Dice Molds
When first starting out in your dice making adventure. I HIGHLY suggest going with a cheap economical batch of resin. You're going to make quite a few mistakes and have bad batches that will essentially be waste. If you go with a more boutique brand of resin or most costly resin. Those mistakes will add up and potentially dissuade you for furthering this incredible dice making hobby.
Our Recommendation for Beginner Resin
Basic PPE is an absolute essential for making dice. At a minimum you're going to want some sort of eye protection. I personally prefer science goggles. Next you're going to need reusable nitrile gloves. These gloves block the resin from getting on your hands. DO NOT cheap out on gloves. Latex gloves are not as chemically resistant.
Final Thoughts:
With resin, molds, and protective equipment... you now have all the absolute basic materials you will need to make dice. Keep in mind that without things like a pressure pot, vacuum chamber, or custom dice molds...you're absolutely going to run into some issues along the way. If you want to level up your dice making you will absolutely need a pressure pot, higher quality molds, and an air compressor. If you want to make crystal clear dice that are sellable or up to a higher standard. Check out our next blog post were we dive deeper into why you need these components and how to use them.